Mathilde Milwidsky

Website of British violinist Mathilde Milwidsky including biography, concert diary, gallery, videos and repertoire.

Debut CD released

Debut album released on Toccata Classics: ‘Agnes Zimmermann- The Violin Sonatas’. Alongside pianist Sam Haywood. These are world premiere recordings of fantastic, unheard 19th Century works.
Now available on all platforms including Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, IDAGIO.

“London-born violinist Mathilde Milwidsky is simply terrific, her tone, technique, and temperament the ideal mix and balance for these works. Five stars: I’d give it 10 if I could. This is one of those once-in-a-decade or more discoveries.” (Fanfare Magazine, US).


Verbier Festival Academy - Soloists and Chamber Music participant 2020

Mathilde has been chosen as one of 8 violinists selected to take part in the prestigious Verbier Festival Academy. She will play in masterclasses with Pamela Frank, Boris Kuschnir and Augustin Dumay, perform on the Main Stage, and take chamber music coaching from Gábor Takács-Nagy, Sir Andras Schiff and members of Quatuor Ebene, among many others.

Review of Beethoven Concerto performance in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung

Excerpts in English -

“The audience burst into spontaneous and repeated applause after the first movement which the soloist had crowned with a brilliantly played cadenza by Fritz Kreisler”

“And where could you hear a Larghetto so divinely beautifully played as by Mathilde Milwidsky on this occasion?”

Debut CD!

Mathilde will commence recording her debut CD for Toccata Classics in April, alongside pianist Sam Haywood (! The repertoire for the disc is the three sonatas for violin and piano by Agnes Zimmermann (1847-1925), which have never before been commercially recorded.

The CD launch will be at Kings Place as part of the Venus Unwrapped Series, on October 6th, 2019

Review from Ostfriesen Zeitung

Review from my recital in Emden, Niedersachsen, with pianist Thomas Hoppe:\

"The fact that she did not make it to the final was too hard for the audience on Wednesday evening in Emden. The 23-year-old offered world-class music. Milwidsky showed a unique, rarely heard musical experience in the interplay with the pianist Thomas Hoppe. Already the beginning of the evening with Beethoven's "Sonata for Violin and Piano in A major, op. 30 No. 1" made one sit up and listen as Milwidsky elicited emotional emotions between melancholy and whirling tempo.

The theme "Breath" by Rebecca Saunders, composed especially for the competition, was experimental music making and not necessarily for everyone. But what followed with the "Faust" theme by Henryk Wieniawski and Edward Grieg's "Violin Sonata No. 3 in C Minor" seemed barely capable of improvement. Nevertheless, Milwidsky and Hoppe succeeded in Maurice Ravel's "Tzigane". Has anyone ever heard of a better violinist in Emden? No. That was sensational. "


“Dass sie es nicht ins Finale geschafft hat, war für die Zuhörer am Mittwochabend in Emden zu schwer vorstellbar. Die 23-Jährige bot Musik auf Weltklasseniveau. Milwidsky zeigte im Zusammenspiel mit dem Pianisten Thomas Hoppe ein einmaliges, selten gehörtes musikalisches Erlebnis. Bereits der Beginn des Abends mit Beethovens „Sonate für Violine und Klavier A-Dur, op. 30 Nr. 1“ ließ aufhorchen, als Milwidsky ihrer Violine emotionale Gefühlswelten zwischen Melancholie und wirbelndem Tempo entlockte.

Das Thema „Hauch“ von Rebecca Saunders, eigens für den Wettbewerb komponiert, war experimentelles Musizieren und nicht unbedingt jedermanns Sache. Was aber dann mit dem „Faust“-Thema von Henryk Wieniawski und Edward Griegs „Violinensonate Nr. 3 in c-Moll“ folgte, schien kaum noch steigerungsfähig. Dennoch gelang es Milwidsky und Hoppe mit Maurice Ravels „Tzigane“. Hat man je eine bessere Violinistin in Emden gehört? Nein. Das war sensationell.”

Review from Lake District Summer Music Festival concerto performance

Mathilde was reviewed by the Westmorland Gazette for her recent Mendelssohn D minor Concerto performance with the National Youth String Orchestra and conductor Damian Iorio.

"Mathilde Milwidsky is a beautifully sensitive player. She dealt with the solo part brilliantly; her dazzling technique and exquisite legato playing of the composer’s melodic lines made a deep impression."


Winner of Aurora Music Competition

On July 1, Mathilde won the inaugural Aurora Music Competition held in Mariestad, Sweden. She competed against pianists, violists and cellists to win the First Prize as well as the Audience Prize! The jury was chaired by violinist and director Gordan Nikolic.

Review in The Strad

Review from my performance at the Young Artist Showcase at St John's Smith Square, September 17th, 2017 -

"...bringing perfect intonation and some beautiful shaping and colouring...comprehensively nailing each new stylistic and emotional universe as she went."

Graduation from Royal Academy of Music 2017

On July 5th I graduated with a First Class Honours Bachelor degree from the Royal Academy of Music in London! I was so happy to also be awarded the prestigious Regency Award for notable achievement, the Louise Child Memorial Prize for highest BMus Graduand, the Marjorie Heyward Fund for highest Violin Graduate and the John Mundy Gift. 
Pictured below with my professor throughout my four years at RAM - the wonderful Gyorgy Pauk.